Who Would Want a Thread That Disappears?
Usually thread is used to hold things tightly together, so why in the world would you want a thread that disappears as soon as it touches water? As it turns out, this thread has a multitude of really great uses to make your sewing room run more efficiently! Let's take a closer look.
Our video shows you step-by-step 5 different ways to use Rinse 'n Gone as described below!
1. Basting a quilt sandwich togetherIf you're quilting a small project, it's a lot easier to do your quilting if you don't have to avoid the pins holding your quilt sandwich together. Quickly hand or machine baste the layers together using washaway thread and do your quilting with ease!
Basting the quilt layers together will have the added bonus of preventing the layers from shifting, resulting in a skewed quilt top.
When you're finished, simply wash your project to remove the basting thread, or scrub it away with a wet toothbrush.
2. Ease stitchingSometimes a pattern will require you to ease in or gather fabric. The best way to do this is with a basting stitch, however it's much easier to simply wash the basting thread out than trying to pick it out after it's been stitched over.
Thread your top thread and bobbin with washaway thread and do your basting like usual. Then switch to a regular thread in the top and bottom and sew over it permanently. You can then remove the basting thread in the wash, or scrubbing it with a wet toothbrush.
3. Secure your trapunto battingWashaway thread is the perfect way to secure your initial layer of batting when doing trapunto. After tracing the trapunto design on your fabric with a washaway pen, sew around the design with washaway thread in the top and a fine bobbin thread. Trim away the excess batting around the design.
Now add the second layer of batting and the backing and do your trapunto with a regular thread, leaving the raised layer unquilted. The initial layer of batting in your trapunto design won't shift, and you won't need to deal with needles puckering the fabric!
4. Add texture to your fabricAdd a super cool texture to your fabric by layering 3 pieces of fabric, with the top two pieces facing up and the bottom piece facing down.
Sew all along the edges and diagonally across with washaway thread to secure the layers. Then with a regular thread in your machine, sew in straight lines over the fabric with even spacing. Take a pair of scissors and carefully cut the top two layers. You can then wash the entire piece to remove the basting thread, and also so that the raw edges of the fabric fray a little. You'll end up with a very cool texture to use on quilts or bags!
5. Stitch the perfect appliquéTake two pieces of fabric, one that will be your appliqué and another that will be a scrap piece. With the appliqué piece right side down, load washaway thread in the bobbin and regular sewing thread on top.
Sew all the way around your appliqué design and snip into the corners and curves of the design so it will lay flat. Then cut a hole into the scrap piece of the fabric to make a turning hole and turn it inside-out. Press the appliqué with the iron's steam setting on high to make the water soluble thread disappear. Pull the scrap piece away, and you'll be left with a perfectly turned appliqué piece!