We love decorating for the change of seasons, so what better way to bring autumn into your home than with a home-sewn table runner and placemat set? We’ve even included a free printable appliqué pattern to work from. The best part is, it’s easy enough to get the kids involved. This is the perfect way to get festive this Thanksgiving by celebrating with some new home décor.
We’ll be demonstrating with the place mat pattern, but the same techniques will be used for the table runner. You can download the free printable pattern here: https://bit.ly/33rvdD2
You can also follow along with our YouTube video tutorial while you create your holiday table place settings!

If you’re sewing the place mats, you’ll want to cut both the main and contrasting bottom fabric for each place mat to 17.5” by 13.5”. For the table runner, you’ll want to cut the main and contrasting fabrics at 40.5” by 16.5”. We recommend choosing a cotton or linen blend fabric for this pattern.
Do you need to stock up on some autumnal themed fabrics to make this project? Head over to Sue Spargo’s website to find some fabric packs! https://www.suespargo.com/store.php?cat=28
Our appliqué pieces will be cut from this Australian Merino wool fabric designed by Sue Spargo. It has a high loft that will add a beautiful texture and contrast when appliquéd, which will add a nice touch to the table.
You can shop for these merino wool packs on our online shop here!
Print out and cut the appliqué pieces included in the downloadable pattern in the description box, or use your own appliqué pattern. We like to pin the pieces to the fabric and cut them out this way to avoid the extra step of tracing. Make sure you arrange the pieces at least 1 inch away from the edge of the fabric to account for the seam allowance.
Arrange the wool appliqué pieces however you like on your place mat or table runner and pin them where you want them. You can now begin appliquéing them down. To do so, we will be using this wool and acrylic blend thread called Ellana.
This thread line is actually dyed to match the exact same colours from the wool fabric line, so that way we’ll always have the right colour to blend in perfectly with the fabric. You can choose to either hand appliqué the pieces down, or use a simple straight stitch to do it by machine, however we’ll be doing it by hand since we don’t want the stitches to show.
Because the thread blends in so well with the wool, you don’t need to be too tidy or even with the stitching and it will still look good. If you’d like to purchase these threads, you can find them on our online shop here
To begin your appliqué, tie an overhand knot at the end of your thread and pull it up behind the main fabric layer to hide the knot. We’ll be using a simple whip stitch to appliqué all of the pieces down. If you’re new to appliqué techniques, here’s a simple breakdown on how to do a simple whip stitch: https://www.patchworkposse.com/whipstitch-embroidery-stitch/
When you’ve come all the way around and want to end the stitch, tie the knot and use the needle to pass it back under the knot before snipping it to keep it tidy.
When all of your appliqué is stitched down, lay your main fabric and contrasting back fabric right sides together. Sewing on a quarter inch seam allowance starting a few inches away from one of the corners, backstitch and sew around to the other side and stop about four inches away from where you began. Don’t forget to backstitch again at the end.
With a pair of scissors, trim away the corners to make it easier when you turn it inside out.
Using the hole you left, turn the piece inside out. Use a pair of blunt scissors or other long, narrow tool to push the corners out. The hole can either be hand stitched with a fine thread to close it, but we’ll be adding a decorative top stitch around the circumference of the place mat which will sew it shut instead.
For the decorative top stitch, we’ll be using this thicker 12wt cotton thread called Spagetti. We like this thread because it’s very low on lint, meaning it will reduce the lint build up in your machine when you sew with it, and the stitches themselves will look clean. When sewing with a 12wt thread, we recommend increasing your stitch length slightly and using a 90/14 or 100/16 topstitch needle. You can also use a 100/16 universal needle.
To shop for Spagetti, you can visit our online shop here!
You’ll also want to use a finer bobbin thread, such as this 80wt DecoBob thread, which will significantly reduce tension problems when sewing with a thicker top thread.
To shop for DecoBob, you can visit our online shop here
Start from the corner to hide your backstitch and sew all the way around on a 1/8” seam allowance. The thread will add a beautiful finish to the edges of your place mats and table runner and close the remaining hole at the same time.
As simple as that, your table setting is complete! Make the whole set to bring autumn inspiration to your table this year.
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